Bluehost Web Hosting: What You Need to Know in 2022

When it comes to web hosting services, there are so many different options out there to choose from. But the question that everyone always asks is:

What is the best one? And Why?

Well, to make the road short on you, the answer is simple: Bluehost.

In this post you will find more than 15 different reasons that will surely make you prefer to choose Bluehost over other similar services.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links meaning we earn a commission if you use those links. We only recommend brands we use and trust.

Who is Bluehost?

Established in the year 2003, Bluehost is one of the most popular, well-renowned web hosting services. It is owned by the professional hosting company Endurance International Group.

EIG also owns many other top hosting brands like Justhost, iPage, Hostgator and Hostmonster.

The company offers all kind of hosting-related services like shared hosting, VPS hosting, managed WordPress hosting, eCommerce hosting, and dedicated hosting. Bluehost has been rated as the best WordPress web hosting services in the industry by

Why Bluehost is the Best Choice for me?

  • Affordable Packages Costs:

Well let me tell you first: affordable doesn’t mean cheap.

But Bluehost is still much cheaper than many other website hosting services and it offers even higher quality than the rest.

With Bluehost You can make your site for under $4 every month! Pretty cool, right?

However, if you’re looking to create more than one website, you only have to jump up to their plus or choice plus packages at $5.45 per month.

This screenshot shows the most sold hosting in Bluehost which is shared hosting pricing plans:

bluehost shared hosting plans

These low prices make Bluehost really an attractive choice, especially for new website owners.

Moreover, if you are buying through our link below, we can guarantee that you’ll get the lowest possible price for Bluehost hosting (60% discount).

  • 30-Day Risk-free Hosting Trial (With Money Back Guarantee):

UPDATE FROM BLUEHOST APRIL 2020: Money-Back Guarantee has been extended from 30 to 60 days during April.

Usually you need to pay in advance for most of website hosting services (providers) today in order to test their features.

And, when you are still new and can’t decide if the web hosting service you are gonna buy is for your or not, most likely you will not be sufficiently sure to concentrate on a host until you have endeavored them full scale.

Fortunately, lot of the web hosting services have money-back guarantee for specific time.

Bluehost is ready to return your money back to your account if you are not satisfied with their service.

Bluehost is just one of these providers that offers a 30-day unrestricted money back promise for their customers!

  • User-Friendly User Interface (UI):

There are many of the web hosting services that we’ve seen are really good, but only for advanced users.

For a newbie site owner, it would be hard to work with noisy interfaces.

Don’t worry. Bluehost made that really simple.

They developed a clean, easy and super novice companion cPanel (interface) that can lead you to everything you need. So even if you’re a newbie with zero websites-management knowledge, Bluehost cPanel is the right one for you. 

Bluehost cPanel looks like this:

Bluehost cPanel view

It can’t be more clear and simple right?

  • Official WordPress Integration:

Bluehost was officially recommended by WordPress since 2005.

Bluehost web hosting is officially recommended by WordPress

It wasn’t recommended by coincidence for sure. This is just another interesting thing to add to the list of Bluehost features!

WordPress is the #1 CMS (content management system) in the world. It is used by more than 65% of all online websites including top-ranked websites like TechCrunch, The New Yorker, BBC America and so many others.

Bluehost made ready servers crafted basically for WordPress CMS. This makes you expect an exceedingly improved as well as high limit point server that will manage your website.

PS: Next to Bluehost, only two other website hosting companies, SiteGround & Dreamhost, are seen as officially recommended hosting assistants of WordPress.

So, when officially recommended Bluehost as the privileged website hosting service, it’s an advantage that you should definitely take into consideration.

  • Mind Blowing Uptime:

Uptime is the amount of time that a server has stayed up and running.

It is usually recorded as a percentage, like “99.9% uptime.”

In other words, it is the total duration for which the server is functioning operational and online.

Uptime is a great factor to know how perfect a web hosting provider is at keeping their systems up and running. So, if you are wondering how much uptime is guaranteed by Bluehost, I will tell you:

Bluehost uptime was 100% at the time of writing this post! However, According to a study by Website Tool Tester, Bluehost was number 3 on the list but still with amazing result of 99.98%.

The most reliable Web Hosting companies in 2020

This is just the perfect rate which is incredibly better than any other similar website hosting service now.

“We at Bluehost strive to offer the best in the industry for Network and Server uptime. Like all shared hosting companies from time to time, we experience downtime.” – Bluehost Network / Server Uptime Agreement.

In a case-study for 32 web host average uptime in 12 months which was made by Hosting Facts, we see it clearly that Bluehost reached 100% in the months: November 2019, December 2019 and January 2020.

  • Five-Star Security Features:

Security and protection flat out must with respect to the web.

No matter if you have personal website where you post about own interests, or a business-related website, security and protection are still essential needs for any website.

In comparison with other similar hosting providers, Bluehost is still the most reliable website hosting service today.


Because Bluehost takes your website security so seriously.

This hosting giant offers the best security incorporates around to all the customers hosted on their platform.

One of the most important security features that you get with Bluehost hosting is the Free SSL certificates.

Bluehost offers SSL certificates with all the hosting packages. This feature helps you easily encrypt sensitive data on your site.

Your website will be changed from http to https version, which is a secured version.

More security features are also available for those who needs them and have no issue to pay extra. For example, SSD storage, NGINX architecture, custom server cache and HTTP/2.  

  • Technical Support and Customer Service:

Technical support and customer service by Bluehost web hosting

The 24/7 technical support on Bluehost is an area where this giant web hosting provider excels.

Having any technical problem on your website will not be such big problem to worry about as long as you know that the online support and customer care teams are always there for you.

Bluehost offers 24/7 live chat support to assist you get through kind of issues that you’re facing. Phone calls are also available as another option if you like to use it.

You might also like to take a look at their help center. It contains many topics to explain you almost everything you need to know about the services. 

It is hassle free to choose Bluehost as your web hosting service because they trust particular assistance would be a basic factor in shopper fulfillment.

  • Page Load Time:

Page load time is also known as loading time.

We do know that nobody can wait more than 3-5 seconds for any page to load right?

No doubt, it is the most important factor that you should put in mind.


The good answer about that could be found in this study by Akamai.

The study shows that website visitors today pay much more attention to website’s speed more than any time before. If your website needs much time to load, visitors will definitely choose to go to another.

Websites that load within part of second, usually have more conversion rates. This mainly means that loading time is not only important for visitors, but also for websites’ owners as it’s considered to be a key for search engine rankings.

Now it is interesting to know that loading time for any website depends mostly on the used web hosting service. Using a powerful service like Bluehost will get you that task simply done and you will enjoy having really fast website without being worried about that.

Package Extras

Package Extras is just another package that includes four extra tools.

If you bought BASIC, PLUS, CHOICE PLUS or Pro plan, you will have options to choose package extras.

You can choose to buy one of more of these tools included, according to your needs.

Those tools are:

Package Extras from Bluehost

  • Domain Privacy Protection:

Every time you register new domain, all the information you used will be stored in a public database that keeps the registered user information (for example: contact name, address and email address).

It is well known as “WHOIS database.”

Domain privacy protects your personal info from being public. If that something you’re interested to get, then you should go for it.

Bryan Peterson, the Founder of WP Cupid Blog, an online WordPress tutorial and resource site, has answered the Quora question “What Bluehost extras should I buy?” suggesting this feature:

A nice example about a domain who is not using Domain privacy is GOOGLE, or any similar big known companies.

  • SiteLock Security:

This tool verifies your email, phone number, and other similar info. It automatically scans your website for malware so you’re safe from all kinds of malware attacks happening at your site.

This service is useful for those who is selling something online, a product or service.

However, it is still not that important to have since there are better tools available for this purpose.

  • Codeguard Basic:

No doubt, having a recent backup of your website will help you to prevent losing your data.

This tool provides an automatic website backup solution. It helps you monitoring daily backups and saves each backup as a separate version. This will help you to keep your website data is safe.

If any changes are detected, it will notify you about the changes and backup your website. If your data were accidentally lost, you can use this service to backup and restore your website.

But does all that mean that you really need to buy this service?

In fact, if you are using WordPress, there are still better options out there. This one would not be anything special.

WordPress has some good plugins to make a backup of your website. WordPress Backups will tell you more about this.

Answering a question about the these tools on Quora, Tony McCarran said:

Quora answer about SiteLock and CodeGuard along with hosting space from BlueHost

  • Bluehost SEO tools:

SEO or Search Engine Optimization requires kind of deep knowledge and work.

So here I have to tell you clearly, this tool is nothing special.

Using it will not put your website on the first page of Google or any other search engine.

If you are WordPress user, again there are other better options to get better SEO building for your website, like All in One SEO Pack or Yoast SEO.

Santanu Debnath, the founder of, said on Quora:

Quora answer about how effective Bluehost SEO tools are

  • Office 365 Mailbox:

Office 365 Mailbox gives you professional email with your custom domain, with a plus of 30-days free trial.

It is a nice add if you are representing any kind of online business.


Honestly, most experts say that you don’t need to purchase anything extra than a typical web hosting account from Bluehost. Specially if you are newbie.

Here are some extra opinions from Quora:

Quora answer on what BlueHost extras should I buy

Quora answer on what BlueHost extras should I buy

Bluehost Pros and Cons:

When we looked into Bluehost reviews from other websites, we found out that listed pros and cons are not the same for them.

This means, what I do see as pro, you might see as con.

So, let’s review some opinions about that.

Web Hosting Cat made this list for Bluehost pros and cons as they think:

Bluehost Web Hosting Pros and Cons

While Web Hosting Media saw these as pros and cons of Bluehost:

Bluehost Web Hosting Pros and Cons

Let us know in comments about your own opinion ?

Bluehost Pricing:

Bluehost costs are really affordable. Whatever your needs are, you will find something that suits you.

  • Shared Hosting:

$2.95 per month, renews at $7.99 per month

  • Shared WordPress Hosting:

$2.95 per month, renews at $7.99 per month

  • WooCommerce Hosting:

$6.95 per month, renews at $13.99 per month

  • VPS Hosting:

Screenshot of VPS Hosting Plans from Bluehost Web Hosting

  • Managed WordPress Hosting:

$19.95 per month, renews at $29.99 per month

  • Dedicated Hosting:

Screenshot of dedicated web server hosting services from Bluehost

$79.99 per month, renews at $119.99 per month

Do we recommend Bluehost?


After the all the features we reviewed with you, we think it is very good choice for 80% of websites’ owners in 2020.  

We think that it works best for:

  •     Bloggers
  •     Entrepreneurs
  •     WordPress Beginners

Bluehost is not the best on the market.

But, definitely, it is one of the best.

And …. don’t forget to share us what you think about it. We would be happy to hear from you and answer all of your questions.

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